Gayle Seach: 2022 "1st Prize Acrylics"

“I studied Art, Design and Textiles for 4 years in the 70’s, and worked as a designer in textiles, graphics and illustration in publishing for many years.

My paintings are a culmination of everything I have learned and I have fun painting now as I can do what I like! There are no rules about why, how or what ends up on the canvas, as long as it is your original idea and executed well.

One thing I am glad I learned at Art school is ‘how to create your own brief’. I look around and use images that strike me in some way or thoughts that pop into my head, with the challenge being how to grow that idea into a contemporary painting. I don’t look to other artists works for inspiration as that completely misses the creative stage of coming up with the idea, which is the whole point of being an artist.

I was taught that abstraction is a process, not a random application of paint that has no meaning. Abstract art starts with a reality that is then ‘abstracted’ sometimes multiple times by reducing detail or focusing on shape, colour, or composition. A lot of my works look realistic from a distance but on close inspection are quite abstract.

The idea for ‘Road Trip 49’ (West Barwon Reservoir) came to me during an unplanned visit to the Reservoir on an overcast, drizzling, still day, it was so quiet, not another soul around and it just felt special to be there. I hope I conveyed that feeling.

Thanks to the Birregurra Art Show for providing the opportunity for us all to exhibit.”

Gayle Seach